Community Resources.
In the Grosse Pointes we are truly fortunate to have many wonderful community resources.
Our Schools – Public, Private, Parochial
Grosse Pointe’s public school system of 9 elementary, 3 middle and 2 senior high schools is unified under a single administration. In addition to regular classes, the Grosse Pointe Public School System provides programs for students with special physical, mental or emotional needs.
The Public Schools
Grosse Pointe’s system of elementary, middle and senior high schools is unified under a single administration. In addition to regular classes, the Grosse Pointe Public School System provides programs for students with special physical, mental or emotional needs.
Quick Facts
- The Grosse Pointe Public School System operates 15 schools – nine elementary, three middle and two high, and an elementaryfacility on the grounds of the Children’s Home of Detroit.
- Ninety percent of graduates go on to higher education.
- Grosse Pointe seniors are accepted at approximately 166 different colleges and universities each year.
- All schools are accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools and the State of Michigan.
Public Libraries
The public library is a division of the Grosse Pointe Public School System. It offers a variety of children’s reading programs at its three locations. For adults, the library programs range from travel films to informative presentations on subjects of current interest.
Community Education
The Department of Community Education of the Grosse Pointe Public School System offers a wide variety of educational and recreational activities for children and adults of all ages. A catalog announcing upcoming classes is distributed three times a year to all households in the Grosse Pointe Public School district.
Grosse Pointe Public Schools Web Site
Private & Parochial Schools
University Ligget School
Grosse Pointe Academy
St. Paul Catholic School
Pre-school for 3 and 4 year olds, Grades K-8
Our Lady Star of the Sea
K-grade 8, Coeducational
St. Clare of Montefalco
Shopping & Social Districts

Lakeside Parks
The Grosse Pointes have their own shoreline, and each has its own lakefront park with tennis courts, pool, picnic area and large marina. Access to each park and its recreational facilities is free to residents only – plus their guests. Supervised swimming is available from Memorial Day to Labor Day and instruction is offered in swimming, diving, skin and scuba diving, water ballet and Red Cross lifesaving.
Each Pointe holds swim meets among its own residents and with teams from the other Pointes. Summer fun at the lake includes fishing rodeos, fleet regattas and fireworks displays.
Sailing , Boating , Fishing
Lake St Clair is one of the world’s leading area of sail yacht racing, and one of the Grosse Pointe’s star attractions.
Each waterfront park has docking facilities for its own residents – and only its own residents. Fees are based on craft size and very reasonable. The lake, which has a channel dredged for oceangoing vessels, is approximately 25 miles across at the center. Residents fish for bass, pickerel and salmon from the docks as well as from their boats.

Sports Facilities
Sports of all kinds are part of the local recreation programs. Tennis courts abound in the Pointes – private, public and for residents only. Two private tennis clubs in the area offer courts year round. School and public baseball diamonds are available and maintained by the Pointes for use by Little League and Babe Ruth teams. Soccer, t-ball, softball, ice skating, ice hockey, and even cross-country skiing are available locally.
Grosse Pointe War Memorial
It’s hard to describe the role the War Memorial plays in our community because it is so many things to so many people. The beautiful War Memorial Center is the former mansion of the Russell A. Alger family. With its subsequently added ballroom and theater overlooking Lake St. Clair, the center is a community attraction the rivals the many private clubs in the area.
Open to all residents, the War Memorial offers art classes and exhibits, lectures, concerts, plays, ballet and social dancing instruction, and children’s theater, as well as membership in along list of special-interest clubs whose focus is either cultural, informative or just plain fun. In addition, the summer concert series is held on the beautiful grounds on the shores of Lake St. Clair. The War Memorial sponsors several annual events, and local groups meet at the facility.
Grosse Pointe Theatre
Founded in 1947, Grosse Pointe Theatre is a nonprofit community theater group with a rich tradition of providing artistic excellence through the performing arts.
Neighborhood Club
The Neighborhood Club offers many classes of instruction and organized activities.
Private Clubs
Many of the residents who enjoy and participate in Grosse Pointe’s numerous community functions also belong to one or more of its private clubs. All are noted for their excellent dining rooms, and each has its own special attractions:
Country Club of Detroit
Golf courses, tennis and paddle tennis courts, pool and bowling alley.
Lochmoor Club
Golf course, pool, indoor and outdoor tennis courts, paddle tennis courts, cross-country skiing.
Grosse Pointe Club also known as The Little Club
Pool, outdoor tennis courts, paddle tennis courts, docking facilities for up to 60 boats.
The Hunt Club
Pool, indoor and outdoor tennis courts, paddle tennis courts, riding stables.
Grosse Pointe Yacht Club
Fully equipped 294 well harbor facilities, pool, tennis courts, paddle ball courts, bowling alley.
Crescent Sail Yacht Club
Exclusively for sailors.
There are also two private tennis clubs and several fitness centers. The practical aspects of Grosse Pointe living are every bit as outstanding as its social and cultural facets.